A Compilation of Secondary School Essays

Hello there,

I have created a compilation of secondary school essays for your reference. If you're studying in secondary school currently, I believe that this will be of great help in your essay writing. Therefore, please just refer to it and please do not plagiarise my work as I took a lot, a lot of effort in writing and typing these out. Thank you! :)

For the full document consisting of 11 essays, the link is as follows: A Compilation of Secondary School Essays.docx

If you prefer reading the essays individually, please refer to this blog.

Master List:

  1. What are some advantages and disadvantages of private tuition?
  2. What does an ideal holiday mean to you? Describe some places you would like to visit and the people you wish to travel wish.
  3. What are the most important factors you will consider in choosing a school? Discuss.
  4. Describe some of your experiences in food courts and hawker centres. How important are these places in your life as a teenager in Singapore? (N13)
  5. Describe some of your experiences in shopping malls. How important are such places in your life as a teenager in Singapore?
  6. Some students think homework serves no real purpose. What are your views?
  7. What is your idea of beauty? Describe some people, places or things that you consider to be beautiful.
  8. Describe some people who have inspired you and explain why they are so inspiring.
  9. 'Shoppers have too much choice, from chocolate bars to jeans.' What, in your opinion, are the advantages and disadvantages of having many things to choose from?
  10. Describe a place that people of your age like to visit with friends to relax.
  11. Describe a crowded shopping mall during a sale.

Signing off,



  1. Replies
    1. Hi Lynette! You're welcome. Thanks for leaving a comment too :-)

  2. thank you so much! I will treasure these ^^!


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