[Movie Review] My Teacher, My Love センセイ君主- Entertaining But Still Lacking As Compared To The Manga

My very first manga that made me binge read about 70 to 80 chapters over a few days at one go? That is Sensei Kunshu センセイ君主! I was extremely excited to watch Sensei Kunshu (My Teacher, My Love), the film adapted from the manga with the same title. I don't think it's that popular or famous because I only found 12 chapters in English online and had to find the rest of the chapters in Korean on another website. I came to know about it as it's the manga I read fully after watching the movie trailer last year. I watched the trailer because Twice's song "I Want You Back" was featured inside!!

The Good

- Very very funny moments, especially Ayuha/Samarun's funny facial expressions which make her very dorky. My mother and friends commented that Ayuha looked weird in long hair and when she changed to a short bob haircut one and a half years later, she looked like a completely different person. She looks so much better and has a totally different vibe with short hair 😀

- Happy and cute ending. Not spoiling!

- Casting: Hiromotsu sensei is a very charismatic and lovable. Differs from manga bc he's not so badass (smoking and styling wise) but more of the sensible side. Girl also brings out cuteness and dorkiness as well as dramatic side of Ayuha, which is a very accurate portrayal of her! In the manga, Ayuha is 9 years younger than Hiromitsu. I'm pretty sure it's about the same in the film. In reality, the actor playing Hiromitsu is 7 years older than Ayuha so fortunately it doesn't seem as though 老牛吃嫩草(old people preying on younger people romantically). 😂 Aoi and her boyfriend were really funny too when giving advice to Ayuha and Kotake.

- Technicality: The lighting was great! There was a dreamy feel for the romantic scenes as the lighting was soft. It was not dark like most Japanese movies or dramas. The visual effects like dancing heart added comedic value to show and was soooo kawaii! 😍 Couldn't get enough of the heart haha 😂 The movie utilised a variety of angles. Loved that they shot the scene from the perspective of the girl (from lower angle) and the guy (from higher angle). From his angle, Ayuha looks TOTEMO KAWAIIDESUNE... really cute awww 😊

To Improve

- My friends and I left the cinema hall with an unsatisfied feeling, as if something was left uncompleted. We felt that we never got enough of it!! It's not satisfying at the end bc the manga's story plot is richer, hence the movie cut down on a lot of scenes and condensed it which made it lose a bulk of its content. MAJOR SPOILER: We wished to see the marriage scene hahaha

- Plot pacing: My mother commented that some parts were slow. I felt it was okay though.

- The film producers changed quite a lot of the manga's original plot. Shuka was shown as Hiromitsu's ex or close childhood friend and played quite an important role in the manga. If I recall correctly, she worked as a pianist at a restaurant and only appeared after Hiromitsu and Ayuha's relationship. But they edited the plot to more of a school context and cut it down to work within the film's time constraints. It was wasted that we didn't get to see how Ayuha changed Hiromitsu as a person more. I also wished to see more scenes of Ayuha and Hiromitsu's interactions after getting together because she is still quite immature. That is important because the manga showed how she matured after being together with Hiromitsu. Kotake, Hiromitsu's love rival and Ayuha's childhood friend, didn't really get much screen time to shine though he plays a crucial role in the manga. Hence, I felt that many of the relationships in the plot were not really explored or developed fully, partly due to time constraint issues.

Overall, I feel that this manga would be better off if adapted as a drama or anime instead of movie to develop the small details in the manga. It would allow the audience to connect with the characters on a deeper level and relate to them more! But if it was adapted into a drama, I would really love to see the same cast acting again as Hiromitsu and Ayuha really have chemistry and fit their roles so much!

P.S. If you feel something is missing or want a more complete ending, read the manga!



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